Friday, July 06, 2007

Arizona, Dr. Dog, The Format music for the masses

It's been an exciting week for music. First off The Format are celebrating the one year anniversary of their album Dog Problems by giving the whole damn album away for free. I think it's great when artists take the high road and give music away. Free music recruits more fans and more fans means more record sales for the next album.

The band Arizona has been making the rounds this week pimping out their new EP Fameseeker and the Mono. I have been biting my nails counting down the days until I could hear this album. Their last release, Welcome Back Dear Children, was by far the best musical purchase I made in the past year. They have this ability to make albums that flow and blend song to song, yet every song is just dandy on it's own. Their songs are like roasted marshmallows. Yes marshmallows! You have this light fluffy gooey goodness that is so sweet and there is no other texture like it in the world. Arizona's music is in no way just sweet fluff. There's this brown crunchy stuff on the outside that adds a whole new flavor to the marshmallow that is Arizona, and without the brown crunchy layer around the sweet gooey center, the music would not be complete. They throw out these floor shaking riffs in the middle of songs that take you back to your first kiss or a summer picnic... and it works. Fameseeker is absolute perfection from begining to end. I've never heard another band like Arizona. I hate to throw out a Beatles comparison but I have to. Just know that it's not something I do often. If WBDC was their Abbey Road then Fameseeker and the Mono is their Let It Be. Take my word, a couple of years from now and all the cool kids will be trying to make music like Arizona. They will fail miserably but they will try. You can stream the whole Fameseeker EP for a limited time thanks to the boys over at i guess i'm floating.

Dr. Dog, a headliner at this year's Lebowski Fest in Louisville Kentucky, are also getting their music out to their fans. Every week for the next couple months they'll be releasing a new track at Some are old, some are new, but all are previously unreleased.

Arizona - Splintering

buy music from Arizona

Dr. Dog - My Old Ways

buy music from Dr. Dog

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